Care Tips for Aloe Vera during Winters


Aloe Vera is a plant found quite commonly in households and has many uses in daily life, including skincare, hair care, digestive, oral, medicinal, etc. Being a succulent, it generally adapts to different conditions. However, during winters, when the temperatures may drop suddenly, and the skies may clear the next moment, extra precautions and care are required.

Aloe vera is sensitive to icy conditions. Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures or frosts can damage its cells and cause them to crack, consequently causing tissue damage. The dense atmosphere and deficient air supply can lead to fungal infections in the plant, preventing it from thriving indoors. Sudden fluctuations in store, which cause sudden temperature changes, also stress the plant due to less tolerance towards these turbulences.

However, these problems shouldn't hinder our love for our little buddies. Thus, the following tips can help keep them healthy even during winter:


Aloe vera plants love the rays from the sun and thrive under indirect light. Thus, when the impact is not too much during winters, they can be put near a south or a west-facing window. Also, rotate the plant frequently to ensure all sides are exposed equally. If your home does not receive sufficient direct light, keeping the pot under natural artificial growth light is advisable. 


In general, aloe plants do not require very moisturised conditions; thus, during winter, it becomes even more important to check the amount of water the plant is given. The watering frequency should be reduced, and only 1-2 top inches of the soil should be allowed to dry out before watering.


It is essential to choose the soil cautiously. Choose a well-draining soil mix that is designed for succulents or cacti. This helps to prevent the plant from rotting. The pot also should have draining holes to allow the excess water pass instead of pooling at the bottom of your pit. 

Temperature and Humidity

The plant is sensitive to freezing temperatures. Therefore, it should be kept in a not too cold place. The ideal temperature is between 12-25°C. Contrary to this, indoor heating systems are ineffective as they dry the indoor air, and aloe vera plants prefer low to high humidity. 

Protection from Frost

As we already know, frosting damages the cell plants, so the plant can be kept away from the window during the need to prevent frosting. Even frost protection can work if the plant is kept outside. 

Apart from these, maintenance is essential for the plant; Removing dead leaves helps maintain structural health and prevents any possible infection. This allows your aloe vera flourish even during extreme winters. 


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